LdrX Consumer Refund Policy

Refund Policy

Review our refund policy and submit your account for review if you believe your situation warrants an exception.

Important: Payments are non-refundable, including fees and other charges. Please see additional details below.

Premium & Concierge subscriptions

LdrX Premium subscriptions, such as Premium Curation, LdrX Concierge (1:1 Human Service not governed by your purchase of LdrX app, LdrX Learning, Recruiter etc. are non-refundable. If you cancel your Premium subscription, all of your Premium features will expire at the end of your billing cycle.

Note: All iOS refunds must be issued by Apple. Therefore, if you purchased a Premium subscription through the LdrX iOS app, please Contact Apple to inquire about cancellations and refunds. You’ll need to click the No Thanks, Continue button to connect with an Apple support rep via email or chat.

Pay-per-action products

Pay-per-action products charge per click, impression, applicant, etc. These products include where you're charged per action. Any actions delivered and charged are non-refundable.